Allergy |
Explanation: Latex allergy is the reaction in our body to some of the proteins present in the naturally occurring latex rubber which is a product from the rubber tree. When our body comes in contact with it, it can cause allergic reactions, this rubber is present in our everyday items like rubber gloves, condoms, etc., about which we have explained in great detail, please follow this blog carefully. Read.
Our skin affected by this latex rubber allergy starts showing symptoms like itching, in this condition our throat can become swollen and breathing can also become difficult. After looking at these symptoms carefully, our doctors determine whether we have a latex allergy or how likely it is to occur or whether these symptoms are of some other disease or allergy, apart from the symptoms of this allergy. By understanding and knowing more and more about the sources of latex, we can save ourselves from this allergic condition.
Latex allergy is a type of allergic reaction that is very rare, it can basically be caused by a product made from natural rubber. This rubber is extracted from the rubber tree, this is called latex rubber. Due to this some people get allergic and which can be very harmful for our body. Latex rubber trees are found mostly in Africa and Southeast Asia, you can get information about them from Google search.
Photo From Unsplash |
Symptoms: Talking about the symptoms of latex allergy, they can range from mild to severe. Which depends on whether latex has reached our body through breath or we have got this allergy only by touching something. If latex allergy is not treated in time, it can lead to serious consequences.
Common symptoms of latex allergy:
- Itching
- Redness of the skin
- Hives or rash.
- Severe symptoms:
- Sneezing.
- Keep running nose
- Itchy eyes or watery eyes.
- Sore throat
- Difficulty in breathing
- Wheezing.
- Coughing up
Severity: As we mentioned, the symptoms of latex allergy range from mild to severe, depending on the level of exposure we have. These symptoms include itching, redness of the skin, rash, sneezing, runny nose, burning eyes and shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing. Although an allergy to latex is rarely fatal, it can cause anaphylaxis, as well as hypersensitivity, which proves to be very dangerous.
Photo From Unsplash |
Prevention: For prevention, we can prevent it by avoiding the use of some of the products that we usually use, which contain latex, for this we can use any other product other than these, which we are not allergic to.
Some of these latex products using which we are allergic to latex.
- Using dishwashing gloves.
- With balloons.
- Rubber toys.
- With hot water bottles.
- with rubber bands.
- with eraser.
- With condom.
- With swimming goggles.
- from the handle of the racket.
- Motorcycle and bicycle handle cover.
Many health facilities use non-latex gloves. But still other medical products may contain latex, so we should tell them about this allergy in advance, if you go to the hospital for treatment of any disease, otherwise they can use latex which is dangerous for you. could.
Other products that may contain latex:
- In the grocery store checkout belt.
- Restaurants where workers use latex gloves to prepare food may contain latex.
- Also in car races that release particles of tires and rubber.
- In the ATM button made of rubber.
- In gloves worn by beauty salon workers.
Photo From Unsplash |
As we know that this lettuce is a serious allergy, so we suggest that you first take information from the doctor, then only what medicine to take.
If we talk about medicines, then many medicines come in which anti-histamine, decongestant, steroid, etc. Please don't take these medicines without doctor's advice.
We tell you about these medicines but we do not confirm how effective these medicines are for latex allergy.
Allergy medicines:
Anti-histamine allergy:
Contains safe and non-drug anti-histamines such as fexofenadine, loratadine, desloratadine rupatadine. We can use them in tablets, capsules, creams, liquids, eye drops, and nasal sprays, depending on which part of our body is affected by the allergy and what our doctors recommend. .
Antihistamines include drugs that are often used to relieve symptoms of allergies, such as fever, hives, conjunctivitis, and reactions to insect bites.
In addition, they are sometimes used to prevent motion sickness and as a short-term treatment for sleep difficulties.
Most of these antihistamines can be bought from pharmacies and stores, but there are some that are available or can be bought only by prescription.
Whenever you also see the symptoms of any such allergic reaction, you can use them with the advice of your doctor.
We use it to open our closed nose for a short time. However, if we use them for more than a week, it can cause serious symptoms. Antihistamines and decongestants do not cure allergies. But they do provide much needed relief to our runny or blocked nose.
It reduces inflammation caused by an allergic reaction caused by the use of medicines.
Steroids are mainly available in the following forms:
- In the form of nasal spray and eye drops for swollen nose and eyes.
- As a cream for eczema and contact dermatitis.
- As an inhaler for asthma.
- In tablet form for hives.
Sprays, drops, and some steroid creams are also available without a prescription. But more effective creams, inhalers and tablets require a doctor's prescription.
This is a procedure to prevent allergies, which only our doctors do. In this, we try to make our body accustomed to the allergen, so that our body does not become weak in front of the allergen.
Talking about the treatment of severe allergic reactions, you should go to the doctor for them.
Because people with severe allergies are at risk of developing life-threatening reactions, also known as anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. If you are prone to these problems, then you are given special injections by the doctor, these injections contain a medicine called adrenaline. It is used by the doctor in case of emergency. That's why we have asked you to consult a doctor in case of severe allergies.
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Disclaimer: First of all, we would like to tell you that the tips and advice given in our blog or video etc. are given from our own thinking and knowledge, you must consult your doctor before accepting them. Read our disclaimer page for more details. Read More
Disclaimer for Prescribed Medicines etc: We consider it our first duty to inform you that you must consult a doctor before buying and using the medicines etc. prescribed by us. We are not experts, so verify the claims of medicines made by us and use them. For more information you can read our disclaimer page. Read More
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